Monday, May 11, 2009

bruins vs carolina

did you guys watch the terrible loss last friday. I was down in north carolina for the game and was on nesn. pretty sweet. I was the guy in the bear head. the full suit wasn't on yet as it was 90 degrees in the parking lot. the tail gaiting there is pretty nuts though.
so they claim that carolina is one of the loudest rinks. WHAT A BUNCH OF BS!!!! loud it is but the reason being it bull. they pump in music threw the use of speakers. when my section was quiet you could hear the cheering coming from speakers. shut crap!!! boston doesn't pull that garbage. they claim to be big fans down there but in reality they have seen 2 games their whole lives and love to eat "crawdads" .

Monday, May 4, 2009

sweet movie

I just got back from seeing the new x men movie and it was pretty sick! i have never read a comic in my entire life but i do love super hero movies. It gave a cool back round story of how some of the x men came around and how the x men started. they brought in some pretty awesome characters that were left out in the other three movies which was awesome. dead pool, gambit, and some others. I think they need to make more x men movies instead of terrible horror movies like i mentioned before.

Friday, May 1, 2009


going to game one tonight and game 4 in north carolina next week. pretty excited. the radio is picking the bruins in 4 ..... 5 tops. i am hoping for a sweep so i can see the clincher in north carolina when i am wearing my bear suit. do you think them southern folk are going to not like a bear mascot walking into their rink which i don't know how they keep frozen in that red neck weather? I am watching the daily show right now and i love every second of it. since I hate the news so much, i need to watch this show to get my biased information. yay democrats!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

final papers.

what the hell am i going to write about for my media lit final paper? i am 2 pages in and my creativity has dried up. its on the media literacy curriculum from k-12th grade. not being an eduction major, I have no clue what the hell I am going to write about since I know nothing about curriculum standards. Its not big deal, I just have to bang out 20 pages worth of papers due next week.....awesome

Thursday, April 9, 2009

it's almost 2

class is about to start and there is 8 people here, aught o wait....9 people now. I think we should just call it a day Bjorn.....what do you think? maybe go outside? a walk? and easter egg hunt? I guess what I am getting at is it is nice out and I want to get out there. I golfed yesterday morning and it was freezing which resulted in one of the worst rounds I have ever had. 10,11,12,13,14........damnit! Bjorn you an observer. You just noticed a new haircut in the room.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I have been going to a trivia night at a bar the last few weeks and I found myself answering next to nothing. There is 4 rounds of 15 questions and the only ones I answer for the most part are the ones in round 3.....Which is a movie round. Some of my friends pull out all these random facts out of their butt and somehow know who what year the jungle gym was invented. OK i made that one up butt its useless info like that which makes me raise a brow. Trivia to me is hard unless it involved even something more useless.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

edited versions are not good

I am watching the departed on FX and it is being bleeped/edited with "frig" every 5 seconds. They can show south park say anything ( i am not complaining) but they cant say sh*t on FX. I honestly think this makes movies unbearable to watch. Have you ever watched Billy Madison on TV? "that veronica Vaughn is one hot tomollie <-----sp I guess they can't even say "ace" I know what makes R and NC 17 now but how the hell is it decided on what gets edited on TV? I would figure that when you pay 100 bucks a month for cable you get to hear an F bomb or 2. If people don't want their kids watching these shows then use parental controls on your TV. Not too hard!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

boy it's nice out

i'm pretty bummed i had to leave my brother's house so i could enjoy some weather. the greatest movie of all time was on ....... the goonies. i use to watch that movie pretty much every day of my childhood. that and revenge of the nerds. probably a movie a 3 year old shouldn't be watching but the song at the end at the carnival is what lured me in i promise ; )

Friday, April 3, 2009

i thought it was funny at least

i just got back from seeing adventure land and it was nothing like i expected. It was from the creators of super bad so i figured it would be filled with raunchy humor. The movie ended up being pretty dry and plotless but i still enjoyed it. The only thing i hated was the people on the way out of the movie repeating lines that were not funny at all.

Monday, March 30, 2009

horror movies are not original

so tonight i saw a haunting in connecticut. and it was the same as any horror movie that has come out in the last 5 years. it consisted of people seeing creepy dead people for seconds at a time and screaming. a exorcism takes place, you think it's over, and it's not. what a surprise. why do i go to the movies and see these pieces of crap? Maybe it's because i didn't want to sit home and do homework or the fact that i keep convincing myself that a "new" horror movie might of came out. everything is a remake or a copy cat. speaking of remakes. the new jason movie was pretty decent.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Talladega Nights= not good

I love will ferrell but what the hell is the ball of crap they call talladega nights? Some funny scenes but over all horrible. I think after anchor man will went down hill. elf? semi pro? also terrible. looks like will ferell should stick to small cameos like in wedding crashers. Ok so step brothers pretty much ruled but I just happen to be watching talladega nights right now and I think it lack everything a good comedy should have.

Friday, March 13, 2009

oooo look what happened.

why is it when you watch the news everything is negative. they love focusing on car crashes, murder, rape, shootings, and anything horrible. can i turn on the news and hear about something good please? they do these short little clips before commercial breaks and say something like " this could cause you cancer" as you are putting food in your mouth. jesus christ tell me now! the news also loves to feast on ridiculous stories. the movie anchorman was not far off with the stories on the cat show and panda bear. I swear i saw something on an ape having a monkey at the zoo or a cow. something to that effect.

please don't come threw my window and get me jason!

so last night i saw the new friday the 13th, and to my surprise it wasn't completely terrible. I grew up on the jason movies and they scared the hell out of me. usually remakes and new age horror movies are a whole bunch of terrible but it wasn't the case this time. I actually enjoyed the movie. Why is it that no one is original these days when it comes to making a horror movie, or any movie for that matter. everything out there is a terrible remake and they fail to meet expectations. it is the same with music. rappers are getting more and more unoriginal bye taking good classic rock songs and destroying them. BE ORIGINAL!!! call up snoop or dr dre and ask them for help

manning who?

how many manning commercials do you think there will be this year? i sware last season i couldn't turn on the tv without seeing one of them no talented ass clowns put out another terrible commercial. both teams have terrible uniforms as well. they don't make me want to drink gatorade, eat burger king, or buy a car. they make me hate the nfl.

south park

I have not watched south park very much over the past few years but i just got back into it. it has to be one of the funniest friggin shows out there. not only do they make me laugh but they are probably the best show out there for ragging on politics among other things. i watched the jonas brothers episode with mickey mouse the other day and couldn't help but laugh. the show is very accurate with the way todays kids act.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Last night I watched the best of Tracey Morgan and possibly could of been on of the "best of's" out there. All he had to say was a one liner and I found myself choking on my recliner. He's a hell of a lot better than Jimmy Fallon, who can't help but ruin every skit and burst out in laughter. He also makes box office terribles like Fever Pitch and "Sex and the Matrix". Go back to Brooklyn Jimmy and leave Hollywood alone. Scratch that, move out of New York and far far away from the SNL studio. Will Ferrell needs to come back and boot that idiot back to the good burger who ruins the show more than Jimmy Fallon.

my online class is terrible

So my online media class is terrible. I think others who have this class would agree. The only teacher to assign a paper over spring "break". For the paper you have to put 3 days a side. The first 2 days you have to keep a journal/log of all the media you use through out the day. The 3rd day you are suppose to use no media sources what so ever and record how you spend your day. 3 days out of my "break" plus another day to write the paper itself. Lets be honest. No media usage what so ever? Maybe I will just sit on the couch and stare at the wall all day. Or go play golf in the snow. I hope I don't fall down and get hurt, I won't be able to call for help.

Monday, March 9, 2009

guitar hero in bdus

So I was in the mall the other day eating at unos and I happened to look over at the national guard recruiting center. There was a giant projection screen set up with guitar hero and there was a man in bdu's walking around with a guitar on his neck. Now I have no problem with men and women fighting for our country but when you lure young kids in by the use of video games I start to lose respect. It's not a joke when you are putting someones son or daughter in harms way. Recruiters already lie to kids enough as it is. No need to throw in video games. Be original.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

shut up house!

does anyone think house's character is a bit over the top? if i had a boss like that i would quit. although i don't make 6 figures a year. hahahahahaha house just got punched int he face from a co-worker. about time! I guess my blog is cut short. I'll let house solve this disease in the remaining 10 min. He's just like Horatio! A true super hero! cough cough. They should go bowling together and solve a crime in 15 min.


Pay no attention to the time difference between my posts. Does todays technology really let you get away with anything. I can't even lie to Bjorn and tell him I spaced these blogs out over time. But I did have all these blog ideas on my mind that needed to be written down. Yeah, yeah thats right, I've been meaning to write these all along. But seriously, todays technology is kind of creepy and invades peoples privacy. Like the new gps system program you can get for your phone that lets you know where all your friends are. Looks like girlfriends will be downloading that one. "honey bear where are you" I at home babe. "no you're not"........good job technology! good job!

the office.

I pretty much love "The Office" but I have a question. Do you think tv shows put out a couple great episodes randomly and then a few not so good ones because they can? I wonder if they just give up for awhile just to fit in some episodes, and then really sit down and make an awesome one to keep the viewers happy. I don't think I hate any episodes but you can tell the writers don't try as hard some times. Does anyone have another show that seems to do this?
When I watched out foxed a couple weeks ago I was easily persuaded to hate fox. I don't really pay much attention to politics for some dumb reason, but O'Reilly is now hated by me. I find it stupid how easily I am convinced. For example, someone wrote a blog about the moon landing being fake. I saw a special on it a few years ago saying it was fake and I believed it. Then I saw a myth busters on it, proving it was real and I then believed them. It shows how much the media has an affect on me when I say it doesn't. I guess I am some what of a hypocrite.

my cell phone is terrible

I went to verizon for the 3rd time today to try and get a new phone. I have the samsung glyde which I read horrible reviews on, but for some reason I got it anyway. And guess does suck! It likes to hit buttons by itself when I am not even touching it. So I approach the tech service guy and tell him how horrible it is and then I need my phone replaced. He pretends there is nothing he can do. But everyone knows that the state of MA has a 1 year manufacture warranty on all electronics. He finally realizes he has to and starts to get my new phone ready ( another samsung glyde). As i am waiting a lady next to me has the same exact issue. Again this man pretends he has no clue what she is talking about. But for some reason I do not open my mouth to chime in. I just wanted my phone. So I then take my "new" phone out of my pocket later on and realize I got the same rear of my phone and battery back for my "new" phone. Way to go verizon! .....does this get credit for media related??? It is a cell phone

Fair Weather Fans

Last year I could get a Bruins ticket on stub hub for 10 bucks. This year I can't get a quarter of a ticket for that. Is it because the Bruins are good and all the fair weather fans are crawling out from the wood work? I think so, I think so. I guess they hopped off some other bandwagon for a season. I don't mind a fan base, but I hate when terrible people fill the seats next to me. For instance, at last nights game a girl sitting next to me goes to her boyfriend, " whoooo's # 22 wheeler? he responds with a "yes". Now Obviously not everyone knows everyone's number but people pretend to do so. They all walk about with Lucic jerseys on and try to get on the jumbotron, just to shake the B on the front of their shirt and hold up the number one finger. YAAAAAY sports! take off your yankees hat and sit down.

how many hours a day?

I was read something for another class the other day that said the average college student spends 3.5 hours a day on the internet and another 7.5 hours a day using some other sort of media ( tv/music) If this is true I am a bit worried. I think I am only awake for about 14 hours tops. That means if I fit in this group I only spend 3 hours a day tops, not filling my head with tv or music. So with the exception of getting ready in the morning and random things like eating that college kids do I would say there is little or no time spent away from the media. Not to mention all the reading college students must do.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

So I just got back from Las Vegas where there was no short of advertisements. Blinking signs for wedding chapels, limo services offering free rides to the gentlemen's club, small men handing out trading cards for escort service professionals, billboard signs attached to trucks advertising women, and lcd screens in places they should not be, including McDonalds filled with even more ads.
After watching shows about Vegas on tv and going in person, it was nothing like I was expecting. Hollywood's interpretation of Las Vegas seemed to be a bit off. Maybe it's because of the falling economy, according to one of the taxi drivers, but it certainly was not as crazy as it should of been. The most interesting thing I thought, was the lack of police. When you are in Vegas it seems like you can do whatever you please. I was offered to smoke everything possible, women, and weapons. Ok I lied about the weapons, but the rest is true. So I guess if you plan on visiting Las Vegas anytime in the future, do what you please, just don't J walk or you will be slapped with a $200 dollar fine. Stop over by billy's for a one dollar margarita and a pull of a Indiana Jones slot machine, but do not pay 425 dollar bottle just to see Leonardo and the Hilton sisters in the Bellagio. No I did not do this!