Tuesday, April 7, 2009

edited versions are not good

I am watching the departed on FX and it is being bleeped/edited with "frig" every 5 seconds. They can show south park say anything ( i am not complaining) but they cant say sh*t on FX. I honestly think this makes movies unbearable to watch. Have you ever watched Billy Madison on TV? "that veronica Vaughn is one hot tomollie <-----sp I guess they can't even say "ace" I know what makes R and NC 17 now but how the hell is it decided on what gets edited on TV? I would figure that when you pay 100 bucks a month for cable you get to hear an F bomb or 2. If people don't want their kids watching these shows then use parental controls on your TV. Not too hard!

1 comment:

  1. I definetly agree with this. It takes away from the movie. Im not saying that swearing is a great thing but it does set the scene differently.
