Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fair Weather Fans

Last year I could get a Bruins ticket on stub hub for 10 bucks. This year I can't get a quarter of a ticket for that. Is it because the Bruins are good and all the fair weather fans are crawling out from the wood work? I think so, I think so. I guess they hopped off some other bandwagon for a season. I don't mind a fan base, but I hate when terrible people fill the seats next to me. For instance, at last nights game a girl sitting next to me goes to her boyfriend, " whoooo's # 22 wheeler? he responds with a "yes". Now Obviously not everyone knows everyone's number but people pretend to do so. They all walk about with Lucic jerseys on and try to get on the jumbotron, just to shake the B on the front of their shirt and hold up the number one finger. YAAAAAY sports! take off your yankees hat and sit down.


  1. Thats what happens my friend. This is the way it will always be. The bruins are now doing well and it is a lot harder to get tickets.

  2. this happens in any sport, for example look at last year when the celts got KG and ray. the day before the KG trade i was looking at season tickets and the day after they were all sold out.
