Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Pay no attention to the time difference between my posts. Does todays technology really let you get away with anything. I can't even lie to Bjorn and tell him I spaced these blogs out over time. But I did have all these blog ideas on my mind that needed to be written down. Yeah, yeah thats right, I've been meaning to write these all along. But seriously, todays technology is kind of creepy and invades peoples privacy. Like the new gps system program you can get for your phone that lets you know where all your friends are. Looks like girlfriends will be downloading that one. "honey bear where are you" I at home babe. "no you're not"........good job technology! good job!


  1. I agree i know one of my friends parents got his younger brother one of those gps things because they kept catching him lying.

  2. Bjorn is a cool guy and is going to give you the same points weather you post a week before it is do or the night before it is due. Either way it is on time and thats what he really cares about.

  3. Haha very good point. I love the phone by Disney world, that also has the gps in it. This is just crazy to me, next thing we will be doing is putting microchips in our newborns.

  4. oh man, technology is getting bad, i don't even want to think what is coming next because basically anything is possible at the rate we are going. we didn't even have internet when we were born now we all have laptops with high speed connections.
