Wednesday, February 11, 2009

shut up house!

does anyone think house's character is a bit over the top? if i had a boss like that i would quit. although i don't make 6 figures a year. hahahahahaha house just got punched int he face from a co-worker. about time! I guess my blog is cut short. I'll let house solve this disease in the remaining 10 min. He's just like Horatio! A true super hero! cough cough. They should go bowling together and solve a crime in 15 min.


Pay no attention to the time difference between my posts. Does todays technology really let you get away with anything. I can't even lie to Bjorn and tell him I spaced these blogs out over time. But I did have all these blog ideas on my mind that needed to be written down. Yeah, yeah thats right, I've been meaning to write these all along. But seriously, todays technology is kind of creepy and invades peoples privacy. Like the new gps system program you can get for your phone that lets you know where all your friends are. Looks like girlfriends will be downloading that one. "honey bear where are you" I at home babe. "no you're not"........good job technology! good job!

the office.

I pretty much love "The Office" but I have a question. Do you think tv shows put out a couple great episodes randomly and then a few not so good ones because they can? I wonder if they just give up for awhile just to fit in some episodes, and then really sit down and make an awesome one to keep the viewers happy. I don't think I hate any episodes but you can tell the writers don't try as hard some times. Does anyone have another show that seems to do this?
When I watched out foxed a couple weeks ago I was easily persuaded to hate fox. I don't really pay much attention to politics for some dumb reason, but O'Reilly is now hated by me. I find it stupid how easily I am convinced. For example, someone wrote a blog about the moon landing being fake. I saw a special on it a few years ago saying it was fake and I believed it. Then I saw a myth busters on it, proving it was real and I then believed them. It shows how much the media has an affect on me when I say it doesn't. I guess I am some what of a hypocrite.

my cell phone is terrible

I went to verizon for the 3rd time today to try and get a new phone. I have the samsung glyde which I read horrible reviews on, but for some reason I got it anyway. And guess does suck! It likes to hit buttons by itself when I am not even touching it. So I approach the tech service guy and tell him how horrible it is and then I need my phone replaced. He pretends there is nothing he can do. But everyone knows that the state of MA has a 1 year manufacture warranty on all electronics. He finally realizes he has to and starts to get my new phone ready ( another samsung glyde). As i am waiting a lady next to me has the same exact issue. Again this man pretends he has no clue what she is talking about. But for some reason I do not open my mouth to chime in. I just wanted my phone. So I then take my "new" phone out of my pocket later on and realize I got the same rear of my phone and battery back for my "new" phone. Way to go verizon! .....does this get credit for media related??? It is a cell phone

Fair Weather Fans

Last year I could get a Bruins ticket on stub hub for 10 bucks. This year I can't get a quarter of a ticket for that. Is it because the Bruins are good and all the fair weather fans are crawling out from the wood work? I think so, I think so. I guess they hopped off some other bandwagon for a season. I don't mind a fan base, but I hate when terrible people fill the seats next to me. For instance, at last nights game a girl sitting next to me goes to her boyfriend, " whoooo's # 22 wheeler? he responds with a "yes". Now Obviously not everyone knows everyone's number but people pretend to do so. They all walk about with Lucic jerseys on and try to get on the jumbotron, just to shake the B on the front of their shirt and hold up the number one finger. YAAAAAY sports! take off your yankees hat and sit down.

how many hours a day?

I was read something for another class the other day that said the average college student spends 3.5 hours a day on the internet and another 7.5 hours a day using some other sort of media ( tv/music) If this is true I am a bit worried. I think I am only awake for about 14 hours tops. That means if I fit in this group I only spend 3 hours a day tops, not filling my head with tv or music. So with the exception of getting ready in the morning and random things like eating that college kids do I would say there is little or no time spent away from the media. Not to mention all the reading college students must do.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

So I just got back from Las Vegas where there was no short of advertisements. Blinking signs for wedding chapels, limo services offering free rides to the gentlemen's club, small men handing out trading cards for escort service professionals, billboard signs attached to trucks advertising women, and lcd screens in places they should not be, including McDonalds filled with even more ads.
After watching shows about Vegas on tv and going in person, it was nothing like I was expecting. Hollywood's interpretation of Las Vegas seemed to be a bit off. Maybe it's because of the falling economy, according to one of the taxi drivers, but it certainly was not as crazy as it should of been. The most interesting thing I thought, was the lack of police. When you are in Vegas it seems like you can do whatever you please. I was offered to smoke everything possible, women, and weapons. Ok I lied about the weapons, but the rest is true. So I guess if you plan on visiting Las Vegas anytime in the future, do what you please, just don't J walk or you will be slapped with a $200 dollar fine. Stop over by billy's for a one dollar margarita and a pull of a Indiana Jones slot machine, but do not pay 425 dollar bottle just to see Leonardo and the Hilton sisters in the Bellagio. No I did not do this!