Monday, March 30, 2009

horror movies are not original

so tonight i saw a haunting in connecticut. and it was the same as any horror movie that has come out in the last 5 years. it consisted of people seeing creepy dead people for seconds at a time and screaming. a exorcism takes place, you think it's over, and it's not. what a surprise. why do i go to the movies and see these pieces of crap? Maybe it's because i didn't want to sit home and do homework or the fact that i keep convincing myself that a "new" horror movie might of came out. everything is a remake or a copy cat. speaking of remakes. the new jason movie was pretty decent.


  1. horror movies just dont entertain me
    there arnt scary their jut stupid

  2. I haven't really found a movie that frightens me. It's too bad about the movie though. The trailers looked decent enough.

    -Bobby Miquel
