Monday, May 11, 2009

bruins vs carolina

did you guys watch the terrible loss last friday. I was down in north carolina for the game and was on nesn. pretty sweet. I was the guy in the bear head. the full suit wasn't on yet as it was 90 degrees in the parking lot. the tail gaiting there is pretty nuts though.
so they claim that carolina is one of the loudest rinks. WHAT A BUNCH OF BS!!!! loud it is but the reason being it bull. they pump in music threw the use of speakers. when my section was quiet you could hear the cheering coming from speakers. shut crap!!! boston doesn't pull that garbage. they claim to be big fans down there but in reality they have seen 2 games their whole lives and love to eat "crawdads" .

Monday, May 4, 2009

sweet movie

I just got back from seeing the new x men movie and it was pretty sick! i have never read a comic in my entire life but i do love super hero movies. It gave a cool back round story of how some of the x men came around and how the x men started. they brought in some pretty awesome characters that were left out in the other three movies which was awesome. dead pool, gambit, and some others. I think they need to make more x men movies instead of terrible horror movies like i mentioned before.

Friday, May 1, 2009


going to game one tonight and game 4 in north carolina next week. pretty excited. the radio is picking the bruins in 4 ..... 5 tops. i am hoping for a sweep so i can see the clincher in north carolina when i am wearing my bear suit. do you think them southern folk are going to not like a bear mascot walking into their rink which i don't know how they keep frozen in that red neck weather? I am watching the daily show right now and i love every second of it. since I hate the news so much, i need to watch this show to get my biased information. yay democrats!