Thursday, April 30, 2009

final papers.

what the hell am i going to write about for my media lit final paper? i am 2 pages in and my creativity has dried up. its on the media literacy curriculum from k-12th grade. not being an eduction major, I have no clue what the hell I am going to write about since I know nothing about curriculum standards. Its not big deal, I just have to bang out 20 pages worth of papers due next week.....awesome

Thursday, April 9, 2009

it's almost 2

class is about to start and there is 8 people here, aught o wait....9 people now. I think we should just call it a day Bjorn.....what do you think? maybe go outside? a walk? and easter egg hunt? I guess what I am getting at is it is nice out and I want to get out there. I golfed yesterday morning and it was freezing which resulted in one of the worst rounds I have ever had. 10,11,12,13,14........damnit! Bjorn you an observer. You just noticed a new haircut in the room.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I have been going to a trivia night at a bar the last few weeks and I found myself answering next to nothing. There is 4 rounds of 15 questions and the only ones I answer for the most part are the ones in round 3.....Which is a movie round. Some of my friends pull out all these random facts out of their butt and somehow know who what year the jungle gym was invented. OK i made that one up butt its useless info like that which makes me raise a brow. Trivia to me is hard unless it involved even something more useless.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

edited versions are not good

I am watching the departed on FX and it is being bleeped/edited with "frig" every 5 seconds. They can show south park say anything ( i am not complaining) but they cant say sh*t on FX. I honestly think this makes movies unbearable to watch. Have you ever watched Billy Madison on TV? "that veronica Vaughn is one hot tomollie <-----sp I guess they can't even say "ace" I know what makes R and NC 17 now but how the hell is it decided on what gets edited on TV? I would figure that when you pay 100 bucks a month for cable you get to hear an F bomb or 2. If people don't want their kids watching these shows then use parental controls on your TV. Not too hard!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

boy it's nice out

i'm pretty bummed i had to leave my brother's house so i could enjoy some weather. the greatest movie of all time was on ....... the goonies. i use to watch that movie pretty much every day of my childhood. that and revenge of the nerds. probably a movie a 3 year old shouldn't be watching but the song at the end at the carnival is what lured me in i promise ; )

Friday, April 3, 2009

i thought it was funny at least

i just got back from seeing adventure land and it was nothing like i expected. It was from the creators of super bad so i figured it would be filled with raunchy humor. The movie ended up being pretty dry and plotless but i still enjoyed it. The only thing i hated was the people on the way out of the movie repeating lines that were not funny at all.