Monday, March 30, 2009

horror movies are not original

so tonight i saw a haunting in connecticut. and it was the same as any horror movie that has come out in the last 5 years. it consisted of people seeing creepy dead people for seconds at a time and screaming. a exorcism takes place, you think it's over, and it's not. what a surprise. why do i go to the movies and see these pieces of crap? Maybe it's because i didn't want to sit home and do homework or the fact that i keep convincing myself that a "new" horror movie might of came out. everything is a remake or a copy cat. speaking of remakes. the new jason movie was pretty decent.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Talladega Nights= not good

I love will ferrell but what the hell is the ball of crap they call talladega nights? Some funny scenes but over all horrible. I think after anchor man will went down hill. elf? semi pro? also terrible. looks like will ferell should stick to small cameos like in wedding crashers. Ok so step brothers pretty much ruled but I just happen to be watching talladega nights right now and I think it lack everything a good comedy should have.

Friday, March 13, 2009

oooo look what happened.

why is it when you watch the news everything is negative. they love focusing on car crashes, murder, rape, shootings, and anything horrible. can i turn on the news and hear about something good please? they do these short little clips before commercial breaks and say something like " this could cause you cancer" as you are putting food in your mouth. jesus christ tell me now! the news also loves to feast on ridiculous stories. the movie anchorman was not far off with the stories on the cat show and panda bear. I swear i saw something on an ape having a monkey at the zoo or a cow. something to that effect.

please don't come threw my window and get me jason!

so last night i saw the new friday the 13th, and to my surprise it wasn't completely terrible. I grew up on the jason movies and they scared the hell out of me. usually remakes and new age horror movies are a whole bunch of terrible but it wasn't the case this time. I actually enjoyed the movie. Why is it that no one is original these days when it comes to making a horror movie, or any movie for that matter. everything out there is a terrible remake and they fail to meet expectations. it is the same with music. rappers are getting more and more unoriginal bye taking good classic rock songs and destroying them. BE ORIGINAL!!! call up snoop or dr dre and ask them for help

manning who?

how many manning commercials do you think there will be this year? i sware last season i couldn't turn on the tv without seeing one of them no talented ass clowns put out another terrible commercial. both teams have terrible uniforms as well. they don't make me want to drink gatorade, eat burger king, or buy a car. they make me hate the nfl.

south park

I have not watched south park very much over the past few years but i just got back into it. it has to be one of the funniest friggin shows out there. not only do they make me laugh but they are probably the best show out there for ragging on politics among other things. i watched the jonas brothers episode with mickey mouse the other day and couldn't help but laugh. the show is very accurate with the way todays kids act.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Last night I watched the best of Tracey Morgan and possibly could of been on of the "best of's" out there. All he had to say was a one liner and I found myself choking on my recliner. He's a hell of a lot better than Jimmy Fallon, who can't help but ruin every skit and burst out in laughter. He also makes box office terribles like Fever Pitch and "Sex and the Matrix". Go back to Brooklyn Jimmy and leave Hollywood alone. Scratch that, move out of New York and far far away from the SNL studio. Will Ferrell needs to come back and boot that idiot back to the good burger who ruins the show more than Jimmy Fallon.

my online class is terrible

So my online media class is terrible. I think others who have this class would agree. The only teacher to assign a paper over spring "break". For the paper you have to put 3 days a side. The first 2 days you have to keep a journal/log of all the media you use through out the day. The 3rd day you are suppose to use no media sources what so ever and record how you spend your day. 3 days out of my "break" plus another day to write the paper itself. Lets be honest. No media usage what so ever? Maybe I will just sit on the couch and stare at the wall all day. Or go play golf in the snow. I hope I don't fall down and get hurt, I won't be able to call for help.

Monday, March 9, 2009

guitar hero in bdus

So I was in the mall the other day eating at unos and I happened to look over at the national guard recruiting center. There was a giant projection screen set up with guitar hero and there was a man in bdu's walking around with a guitar on his neck. Now I have no problem with men and women fighting for our country but when you lure young kids in by the use of video games I start to lose respect. It's not a joke when you are putting someones son or daughter in harms way. Recruiters already lie to kids enough as it is. No need to throw in video games. Be original.